About Us

custom hydrocolloid developer

Sarasota Medical Products Inc. is a veteran-owned developer of novel medical device adhesives based out of Sarasota, Florida. As the go-to custom hydrocolloid developer, our growth is driven by developing unique formulations and acquiring new private label customers. From a start-up in 2010 with zero products, we developed processes and hundreds of private-label products for 20 different companies. In 2018 SMP was listed in the top 50 companies to watch in Florida, and 2019 SMP was a finalist for the Florida Sterling Manufacturing Business Excellence Reward which recognizes small Independent companies. Our future growth is driven by developing and acquiring directly to customer brands. Currently, we are developing a group of products that focus on our novel antibacterial and other proprietary formulations.

Lastly, we have also developed several processes that reduce labor requirements and overall costs of making our adhesives. SMP has made innovative process improvements that reduce labor costs by up to 85%. This provides significant cost-saving and price leverage as compared to our competitors. With these savings, SMP can continue to develop more innovative products and keep costs low for our customers and their patients. Our goal is to empower patients to confidently manage their lives, and we want to achieve that goal with you.

At SMP INC., we genuinely have a passion for developing unique products that will empower patients to confidently manage their lives. We believe that helping people to be comfortable and to return happiness to their lives. We want to directly deliver a positive experience through our products, our customer support, and our brands.